CiMSO GOLFmanager receives AGIF attention.
The Asian Golf Industry Federation was formed in 2010 as a non-profit industry federation with members and partners involved in all facets of the industry throughout Asia. CiMSO joined the AGIF in 2019 as an associate business member.
AGIF’S recent article on the Waterside Country Club in Thailand referenced CiMSO GOLFmanager as Watersides Golf and Club management system of choice. For more information on Waterside and Siam Country Club please visit our recent news articles, Waterside Golf Club chooses CiMSO’s GOLFmanager and Siam Country Club’s Pattaya Old Course chooses CiMSO’s GOLFmanage.
Siam Country Club uses Clubmanager to maintain their CDP – customer data platform – and to manage their CRM – client relations management. Golfmanager provides the golf course, tee-off and caddy management. INNsync synchronizes the CDP and all BACKoffice accounting to the various clubs in the group, while WEBsync facilitates online tee bookings.
STOCKmanager provides procurement and stock control, and RESTaurateur provides a touch screen points of sale system for ordering, serving, billing and payment processing. BACKoffice consolidates all financial accounting and provides real-time financial and management reports.
“CiMSO is proud to have Siam Country Club Group as part of our esteemed clients and we appreciate the reference from AGIF”, says Andrew Marshall, Group CIO based at CiMSO’s Singapore office.
CiMSO GOLFmanager’s footprint in the Asia Pacific is increasing rapidly and we invite all AGIF members to contact us for a no-obligation demonstration of the many benefits of the CiMSO Software Suites.
Please contact your local CiMSO office or Value Added Reseller for more information on CiMSO’s integrated Software Suites for Golf Estates and Clubs, Hotels, Lodges, Resorts, Timeshare and Leasing management.

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