New features in CiMSO’s Software version 4.32
To see features included in CiMSO’s previous version 4.28, click here.
CiMSO released software version 4.32 in August 2023. Many new features in CiMSO’s Software have been added to this version to significantly improve the following:
CLIENTmanager (CRM)
- A new field added as part of client-merge functionality, called “Designation”, allows the option of capturing a customer/client/member designation, e.g. Director, Manager. Master password required.
- A new field added as part of client-merge functionality, called “Company”, allows the option of capturing the company name of a customer/client/member. Master password required.
- A new field was added under Client Console, called “Prior Bookings as Guest”.
- A new field was added under Client Console, called “Prior Bookings as Booker”.
- When doing an Advance Client Search under Administration, an option was added to specify “must have” designation as part of the search.
- When doing an Advance Client Search under Administration, an option was added to search clients by note actions with added “Client Restrictions” for “Client Notes” options.
CLUBmanager (Membership & Loyalty)
- A new client “Membership Tier” detail can be added to a client statement, through Client Financial and Client Accounts under Administration.
- Nationality can now be added when a dependant member is created. This can be done from the Administration’s Dependant tab.
- Easy information “copy” functionality added when creating dependants under “New Dependants” detail
INNkeeper (PMS)
- Under the A100 Client Console, the Room List can be included in the Booking Restrictions for client search
- A booking change log tree view is now available under Reservations Occupancy Grid and the respective booking – select “Edit Select Booking’s” Change Log.
- Multi-select feature is enabled on the Special Rate Summary under Hotel Settings in Configuration.
- On B201 Booking Console, a “Pre-booked only” field has been added to the booking console, for added reporting functionality.
- The B110 Accommodation Availability report now have the option to include main units in the set-up.
- “Booker Rate” column can now be added as part of a Booking Search. This can be done from the Occupancy Grid
- Report “F621 Tax Input and Output” has a new filter option to add “Transaction Reference.”
- Guest Registration Form print preview now allows the Capture of Signature using the Pen & Page button at the top.
- Lost & Found items, for example, membership/loyalty cards or other items, can be logged via the “L&F” button under the INNkeeper Occupancy grid.
- Multi-select feature is enabled on the Special Rate Summary under Hotel Settings in Configuration. This feature is for use in INNkeeper.
- Under ACTIVities scheduler, an activity change log was added in administration booking cancellation.
- Under ACTIVities scheduler, a “Unit Name” field was added in the Pre-booked activities list.
- Under SPAscheduler’s “Reports” button, the “Scheduling Tracking” option and “Generate” button opens Schedule tracking tab. This feature will add SPAscheduler “change log” entries (schedule tracking) when bookings are cancelled with “cancel all schedules” option.
RESTaurateur (TAB POS)
- A new template is available under Document Console to generate restaurant table QR Codes to be used as part of “Waiter Ordering” feature.
- Under “Slip Designer” in Configuration, a new slip token for “payment voucher numbers” has been added for RESTaurateur
- Login Options (Password, Pin, ID) has been added to the Login Screen
- A “Password Renewal Reminder” was added to remind users to renew their password.
- A waiter will be able to capture a guest signature to TAB lite form. A hardware device is required for signature image capturing.
- QR codes added to Document Console …Option now available to select “Pay Tab – Account payment converts to cash sales” under System Setup.
SHOPkeeper (Retail POS)
- Under “Slip Designer” in Configuration, a new slip token option for “payment voucher numbers” has been added for SHOPkeeper.
- Login Options (Password, Pin, ID) has been added to the Login Screen
- A “Password Renewal Reminder” was added to remind users to renew their password.
- “Exclusive” and “Tax” column has been added on the Transaction Tab for Compound Orders
- When doing a Stock Import, the option to specify a Stock Unit for each Price Field has been added.
- When doing a Stock Import, the option to specify a “ Auto Calculate Price” setting for each Price Field, has been added.
- When doing a Stock Import, the option has been added to specify multiple bar codes for each stock item, similar to prices
- Under “Slip Designer” in Configuration, a new slip token for “payment voucher numbers” has been added for Golfer.
BACKoffice (Accounting)
- Option was added to specify a company bank account for bank transfers directly on the Payment form for DPAs and CPAs. It is available under Debtors Payments and Creditor Payments under Client Transactions.
- An optional “Total” column was added on the G111b Income Statement Report
- Under “Debtor Payments”, a new button was created called “Fully Allocate All Accounts” to allocate all accounts for all clients listed. (MultiDPA)
General Reporting
- “Client Account State” field under F700 Transaction Console, has been added for more reporting options.
- “Line Memo” field was added on F621 Tax Input and Output Report
- “Voucher Number” field under F700 Transaction Console, has been added for more reporting options.
- “Voucher Type” field under F700 Transaction Console, has been added for more reporting options.
- Under Financial Settings Tab and its Departments Tab, an additional option was added, called “New client default status”.
- The following new security items were added under System Settings, Security Presets, Security Items for Administration
- [1459] May add recipe items to Stock Transfer (SKREMOVE/SKADD)
- [1460] May post Stock Transfer with recipe items (SKREMOVE/SKADD)
- [1457] May select liability account for stock expense
- [1458] May select asset account for stock expense
- [1482] Allow reversals in expensing
- [1478] May post transaction that affects Debtor or Creditor GL account with no client account specified
- [1474] May change F808 preset
- [1475] May change F808 report group
- [1476] May change F808 budget group
- [1477] May change F808 date criteria
- [1465] F900CreatePreset
- [1470] F900ModifyReadOnly
- [1472] May set transfer to bank in booking transactions
- The following new security items were added under System Settings, Security Presets, Security Items, for RESTaurateur:
- [1462] May leave change item reference blank
- [1463] May change ‘new’ items without a reference
- [1461] Access to QR Code generator
- [1464] May select client with no active membership card
- [1471] to access tab client setup
Geographic Specific
- Reporting, Namibia: New filter option for Report B171B (NTB) under “Accommodation Report Options.”None
- A database rename facility has been implemented in DBManager
Multi-currency functionality
Multi-currency functionality is for multi-property groups with properties based in different countries (and currencies). This feature is currently being tested and adjusted based on feedback. We are resetting expectations for the official release to be moved to first half 2024.
Are you transitioning from a fragmented legacy software system?
CiMSO supports clients transitioning from fragmented legacy software systems to integrated ERP solutions. CiMSO also manages the successful deployment of new systems in compliance with their ISO90003 Quality Management Systems and PRINCEII project management methodologies.
Please get in touch with your local CiMSO office or Value Added Reseller for more information on CiMSO’s Integrated ERP Software Suites for Hotels, Lodges, Resorts, Clubs, Timeshare, and Leasing management.

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