Controlling procurement, inventory and bills of material
System Overview
GAAP and IAS compliant double entry accounting system with AHLA and IFRS reporting
General (nominal) ledger integrated to sales (debtors -AR) and purchases (creditors AP)
Inventory (stock) ledger with warehouse, stores, bins and multi-level procurement control
Unlimited cash books, asset registers, levies ledgers and a range of secondary ledgers
Integrated transaction processing with points of sales for shops, restaurants and bars

Master File
Configurable master file controlling products, services, charges and bills of material
Unlimited, configurable stock stores and bins linked to financial departments
Configurable, rule based units of measure with unit name translation
Unlimited, configurable stock groups
Item identification by bar codes within the range of EAN13 and Code 28 symbologies
Facility to embed additional pricing, quantity and volume information in the bar code
Fast item search by barcode scanning and entering the item code or item description
Units of Measure
Configure unlimited sub units of measure per item - buy per crate and sell per bottle and tot
Support and issue bar codes per sub unit for fast warehouse and store processing – receive (scan in) stock per palette and issue (scan out) per crate, dozen pack, six pack or single unit
Bill of Materials
Unlimited, configurable bills of material (BOM) with stock order forecasting
Unlimited, configurable recipes with on the fly item manufacture and costing
Price Lists
Unlimited, configurable price lists with generic pricing rules, tax rounding and pricing priorities
Rule based discount matrixes by stock group, debtor status and date / time restrictions
Unlimited, rule based price discount modifiers for happy hour and marketing promotions
Bulk price adjustments by departments, using mark up or gross profit percentages
Stock Control
Quantity on hand managed per store with average, highest and last cost price per main unit
Configurable restrictions for negative stock processing requiring supervisor authorisation
Catalogue item sales with configurable price rules and cost adjustments via AAI’s
Periodic and perpetual stocktaking with open (live) stocktaking during normal trading
Restrictions on quantity on hand display and unit of measure used in stocktaking
Content rich procurement console controlling transfers, requisitions, orders and purchases
Unlimited, configurable approval levels per process with restrictions on seniority or value
Auto conversion from IPR to CPO to CGRV once the required approval levels are fulfilled
Configurable transaction document layout and detailed reporting for audit control purposes
Local server or computer
Distributed replicating servers
Cloud server
Full documentation (SOP based)
On-site, in person training
Live online or webinar training
Business hours phone and mail
Online chat and remote access
Live 24/7 emergency support
CiMSO STOCKmanager
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Software for GAAP, IAS and IFRS financial control to balance sheet: