Wellness Tourism grows exponentially
Wellness Tourism keeps growing – exponentially. Wellness tourism is “travel associated with the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one’s personal well-being” as defined by the Global Wellness Institute.
Why is Wellness Tourism important for Hotels, Resorts and Lodges?
According to the Global Wellness Institute, research primary wellness travellers at the domestic level spend about 178% more than the average traveller. In addition, they estimate that the Global Wellness Economy is valued at $4,5 trillion of which $639 billion constitutes Wellness Tourism.
According to experts, Wellness Tourism will increase to $1 trillion in the next few years. This demands the attention of all property Marketing and General Managers.
What is important for Wellness travelers?
The Wellness Tourism Association Consumer Survey released in 2021, identifies 5 “extremely important” offerings:
- Certified safe and clean hotel environment
- Purified water system
- Fitness activities in nature
- Hotel environment with sustainable and green practices in place
- Guest Rooms with air filtration system
Additional open-ended feedback mentioned:
- Physical safety plus safe from exposure to COVID-19
- Access to stillness and quiet places
- Nature and outdoor environments
Is CiMSO’s SPAscheduler able to help?
The Hydro at Stellenbosch, South Africa’s premier Health Hydro and Spa, was established in 1972. It has been serving esteemed guests from across the globe for 50 years. The Hydro has been relying on CiMSO software for the last 26 years (since 1996), to manage and deliver an extraordinary level of guest service.
The Hydro uses the following Software Suites:
- SPAscheduler SPA and wellness management
- CLUBmanager Membership data platform with CRM
- INNkeeper Accommodation and reservations management
- HOUSEkeeper Housekeeping services management
- SHOPkeeper Touch-screen Points of Sale for retail sales
- STOCKmanager Inventory, recipe and procurement management
- COMMunicator Integrated e-mail, SMS and direct dial communications
- PHONEmanager Telephone usage and billing to guest folios
- DOCmanager Near paperless document management
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the value of life and the importance of taking care of our well-being.
Humanity has come to realize our need to cope with stress in a healthy way in order to become more resilient. With COVID-19 returning to its ‘new normal’ tourism properties must urgently ready themselves if they are to benefit from the exponentially growing Wellness Tourism market.
Contact us here for a free demonstration of the best Health Hydro and Spa management software.

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