Effortless FAX communication from your office computer
System Features
Integrated facsimile management with automatic, interactive or manual fax transmission
Facsimile server configuration allows for multiple fax servers on the LAN or WAN

FAX Transmission
Transmission of facsimiles direct from user seats on the LAN or WAN with progress status display
Rule based priority, queueing and retrying of queued facsimile transmissions
Transmission failure notifications direct to a user at their seat on the LAN or WAN
Receiving of all incoming facsimiles
Incoming facsimile page count, status view, print and internal distribution to users
After Hours Messaging
After hours voice message recording and message playback facility
Internal distribution of voice messages to users on the enterprise LAN or WAN
CiMSO FAXmanager
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Connect Software Suite
Single or bulk blast e-mail, SMS, fax and snail-mail communications software:
→ COMMunicator
→ DOCmanager
→ MAILmerger
→ SMSmanager
→ PHONEmanager
→ FAXmanager