Near paperless document management and e-filing
System Features
Your preferred mail client interfaced to the customer data platform (CDP) and CRM
Data merge facilities via an integrated ODF compliant document management system

Mail Transmission
E-mail with a subject created on the fly, directly from the client profile or specified management areas
E-mail detail automatically saved to the client’s communication and notes profile
Powerful event log console with extensive filters for fast tracking and printing of communication events
Data Merge
Extensive merge fields from customer profiles and other management areas in the CDP
Personalised bulk (mass) mailing blasts to status segmented marketing groups
Automated e-mail, fax and postal mail document transmission with failure reports
Flexible templates with merge fields integrated to specified system reports
CiMSO MAILmerger
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Connect Software Suite
Single or bulk blast e-mail, SMS, fax and snail-mail communications software:
→ COMMunicator
→ DOCmanager
→ MAILmerger
→ SMSmanager
→ PHONEmanager
→ FAXmanager